Centre for Problem Gambling and Digital Dependency Bed-Based Treatment Program
Service Overview
The bed-based program is a structured 21-day live-in, “closed” cycle. A closed cycle means that individuals cannot join in the middle of a treatment program. The bed-based service includes individual and group therapy. Program content includes: addiction therapy, understanding anger, change and goal setting, stress reduction, defense mechanisms, meditation, recreation/exercise, identifying and understanding feelings, communication styles, relapse prevention, art therapy and spirituality.
In order to be eligible for the bed-based program, individuals must leverage local outpatient services as a first step toward recovery.
Please note that all referrals to the Bed-Based Treatment Program must be made through a problem gambling service provider in your community.
To find the designated Problem Gambling Treatment site closest to you, click here for the Ontario Problem Gambling Helpline.
When You Arrive
Upon arrival you are to present to the Connaught Avenue CPGDD entrance as directed within your welcome package.
Complementary Programs
The Centre for Problem Gambling and Digital Dependency is pleased to offer additional programs. One is specific to family and friend and the other is for individuals who have completed the bed-based program.
Family Retreat Weekend
The purpose of this family retreat is to allow for family members and friends to receive education and support regarding their loved one's gambling and/or digital dependency. The retreat will also address the impact your loved one's dependency has had on you and what role you can play in supporting them. Key topics include but are not limited to: Addiction Theory, Boundaries, Assertiveness and Stress Management. Please see the referral package below (self-referrals are accepted for this program).
Refresher Treatment Program
The purpose of the six day refresher week is to give those who have successfully completed the 21-day bed-based program the opportunity to brush up on skills and optimize their recovery journey. Please see referral package listings below regarding criteria for further information and guidance.
Bed-Based Schedule
For current bed-based program dates, please contact the Centre for Problem Gambling and Digital Dependency at 519-254-2112.
Referral Packages
Please click on the referral package below:
Provider Referral Packages
Self-Referral Package
Centre for Problem Gambling and Digital Dependency (CPGDD) Bed-Based Treatment Program (Windsor)
Hôtel-Dieu Grace Healthcare
1453 Prince Road (Connaught Avenue entrance)
Windsor, ON N9C 3Z4
If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact HDGH Centre for Problem Gambling and Digital Dependency at (519) 254-2112, Monday and Friday, 8:00 am - 4:00 pm, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, 8:00 am - 8:00 pm