Aug 11, 2023 | Patient Stories, Faces of HDGH
With the bright sunshine, warmth of summer days felt on our skin, and nature blooming around us, there is no surprise that the month of August is designated as Happiness Happens Month.
Over the years, we have shared what has inspired happiness in us at Hôtel-Dieu Grace Healthcare, what brings happiness to our employees and physicians, and how they share happiness with others.
This year, happiness and inspiration comes from a young mind who is capturing happiness in their own, creative way.
A client of HDGH’s Regional Children’s Centre Intensive Treatment Services program began taking photographs of the world around them, things that inspired them and brought them joy. Recently, their muse was HDGH’s vibrant 33-acre campus.“What inspired me to take the pictures is I like flowers, plants and the scenery looked relaxing,” they said.Capturing blooms in our Healing Garden and commemorative stones throughout, they wished to share their images with others.“I thought it would be nice for people who cannot visit around the campus to see what it looks like. For example, people who are in their rooms and can’t go outdoors.” They hope the beauty in their photos will inspire others to visit the HDGH grounds, saying, “If people see how relaxing it looks, they may want to come here in the future.”It is said that beauty is in the eye of the beholder, we are grateful that this client shared the beauty and happiness they saw with all of us.